AI: Climate Hero or Climate Villain?

When: Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024, livestream begins at 6:30 p.m. Eastern.

About the event: Artificial Intelligence promises to revolutionize many aspects of clean tech and climate science, offering powerful ways to bring down emissions and adapt to climate impacts. However, AI is also an enormous energy consumer due to the massive computing power needed at data centers to train and operate generative AI systems. Energy analysts warn of a coming surge in electricity and water demand at data centers due largely to AI’s growth.  

Our panel of experts from AI, technology and electric companies will discuss how we can reap the climate benefits of AI without having its power demands derail the clean energy transition. 


  • Bobby Hollis (Microsoft, Vice President of Energy)
  • Amen Ra Mashariki (Bezos Earth Fund, Director of AI and Data Strategies)
  • Suzanne DiBianca (Salesforce, Executive Vice President & Chief Impact Officer)
  • Heather Quinley (Duke Energy, Managing Director, ESG & Sustainability)
  • Priya Donti (MIT, Assistant Professor)